Tax Information

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 About Taxes
The Cowley County Tax Department is responsible for the collection of real estate and personal property taxes. Real estate is defined as land and any permanent improvements to that land. Personal property taxes include mobile homes, boats, trailers, jet skis, vehicles with non-highway titles, etc. Tax Searches can be performed on the County Appraiser’s page.

Real Estate Taxes
Real estate tax statements are mailed in November of each year for that tax year. Taxpayers have the option of paying the full or half amount taxes by December 20th. If only the first half is paid, a second half tax statement will not be sent and the second half will be due by May 10th of the next year.

If a taxpayer fails to pay full or half by December 20th, interest becomes due and payable on December 21st. Delinquent real property taxes may still be paid by half plus any interest due until May 10th. After May 10th the full amount plus interest must be paid. All unpaid real estate taxes will be published three times in August in the designated county paper. Real estate is eligible for tax foreclosure if a tax becomes three years delinquent.

Personal Property Taxes
Personal tax statements are mailed in November of each year. Taxpayers have the option of paying the full or half amount by December 20th. If they pay the first half amount only, they will have until May 10th to pay the second half.

If a taxpayer fails to pay full or half by December 20, interest becomes due and payable on December 21st. Personal property taxes not paid by at least half by December 20, must then pay the full amount plus interest. Half payment is no longer an option. Personal property taxes not paid by at least half become Sheriff warrants on April 21. Personal property taxes with first half paid but 2nd half not paid by August 21, will also become Sheriff warrants. On October 1, all unpaid personal property taxes will become Court warrants and will be published as delinquent in the publication designated by the County.