Notice of USD 263 Special Bond Election to be held April 8, 2025
Candidate filings for City/School Election 2025
City/School Election Filing deadline is June 2, 2025 at noon
For the UNOFFICIAL list of open city positions click here
For the UNOFFICIAL list of open school positions click here
Candidate Declaration of Intention MUST be signed at the Election Office.
Appointment of Treasurer must be completed whether or not any money is spent on the campaign.
Statement of Substantial Interest MUST be completed by all candidates.
Affidavit of Exemption is filed ONLY if not spending or receiving over $1,000. This form can be rescinded if the maximum is reached.
Questions regarding Military and Overseas Citizen voting click here
To see a list of Kansas Election facts, check out the Kansas Secretary of State Did you Know page.
To view voter's rights and responsibilities click here
We are always looking for poll workers. If you are interested, please download this form.
Click to view your voter information.
 To request an advanced ballot by mail call our office at
620-221-5494 or click here to request one online.
Elected Officials
Voter Information
The Election Office strives to make voting easy for voters. Listed below is how to become a voter and keep your registration current so voting in future elections stays simple. Â To vote, you must register with the Election Office, be a United States citizen, and be at least 18 years old by the next general election.
Step 1: Register to Vote
Registration Application
You can register to vote for the first time or change your current registration information online. To register to vote online, you must have a valid Kansas driver’s license or non-driver’s identification card. If you do not have either of these documents, you may register to vote using the Voter-Registration-Card or the National Voter Registration Application Form and submit it to the Election Office.  If you do not have a valid Kansas driver’s license you may register to vote online using this website: Applications are also available at the Cowley County Election Office – 321 E. 10th, Winfield and at various city offices. Registration is open except for the 21 days before Election Day in the district where an election is held. You must re-register each time you change your name, address, or party affiliation for voting.  When you register, you can affiliate with a party or be unaffiliated. During partisan primary elections, unaffiliated voters may affiliate when voting.
Step 2: Vote in the next election
In Cowley County you have three convenient Voting Options to choose from.
Vote Early by Mail
To vote by mail, complete an Advance Voting Application and mail, email, or fax it to the Election Office. We begin mailing ballots 20 days before Election Day. A signed application is required before an advance ballot can be issued. The last day our office can mail a ballot is 7 days before the election. The voted ballot must be returned to the Election Office or on Election Day at any polling location by 7 p.m. Â If mailing, your ballot must be postmarked by Election Day and received in the Election Office no later than 3 days after the election.
Vote Early in Person
Go to the Cowley County Election Office 321 E. 10th Winfield, Kansas  They will check you in by computer. You can vote on a voting machine or by paper ballot.  The Election Office begins in-person advance voting 15 days before the election and continues until 12 Noon the Monday before Election Day. Additional satellite sites may also be available and will be posted.
To find your assigned Polling Place check your voter card, use this VoterView link, or call us at 620-221-5494.
Polling Places are open for voting on Election Day from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Both machine voting and paper ballot voting options are available. Â State law requires that all voters show photo identification. Got photo id
Step 3: Keep your registration information current
Keep voting simple for you by keeping your registration information current. Re-register if you move, change your name, or want to change your party affiliation.
Law Regarding Party Affiliation Change
By law, from noon on June 1 through August 31 (in even years only), anyone affiliated with the Democratic, Republican, or Libertarian party may not switch to another party or elect to become unaffiliated.
If you still wish to change your party affiliation after the August Primary Election, you will need to resubmit another voter registration application on or after September 1.
The Kansas Legislature passed a law in 2014 which prohibits voters from switching parties or disaffiliating from a party during the time from the candidate filing deadline through the time when the primary election results are certified by the State Board of Canvassers.  K.S.A 25‑3304
Military and Overseas Voters:
For information regarding the process to vote click here
For the form to download and fill out to vote click here
Election History
11-03-2024 General 2024
08-06-2024 Primary 2024
03-19-2024 Presidential Preference Primary
11-07-2023 General 2023
11-08-2022Â General 2022
08-02-2022Â Democratic Primary 2022
08-02-2022Â Republican Primary 2022
08-02-2022Â Constitutional Amendment 2022
11-2-2021 General 2021
11-03-2020 General 2020
08-04-2020 Democratic Primary 2020
08-04-2020 Republican Primary 2020
11-05-2019 General 2019
06-04-2019 Â City of Winfield Mail Ballot Election
12-04-2018 Â City of Udall Special Election Ordinance # 8
11-06-2018 Â 2018 General Election
09-06-2018 Â City of Arkansas City Mail Ballot
08-07-2018 Â 2018 Primary Election
11-07-2017 Â 2017 City School General
04-11-2017 2017 Special Congressional Election
11-08-2016 Â 2016 General Election
08-02-2016 Â 2016 Primary Election
06-07-2016 Â USD 462 Special Election
05-24-2016 Â City of Arkansas City Special Election
06-09-2015 Â USD 462 School Bond Election
04-07-2015 Â 2015 City School General
11-04-2014 Â 2014 General Election
08-05-2014 Â 2014 Primary Election
02-25-2014 Â City of Winfield Special Election
04-02-2013 Â 2013 City School General
02-26-2013 Â 2013 City Primary
11-06-2012 Â 2012 General Election
08-07-2012 Â 2012 Primary Election
04-05-2011 Â 2011 City School General
11-02-2010 Â 2010 General Election
08-03-2010 Â 2010 Primary Election
04-07-2009 Â 2009 City School GeneralÂ
11-04-2008 Â 2008 General Election
08-05-2008 Â 2008 Primary Election
03-04-2008 Â USD 470 School Bond