Zoom Hearing Information

The Zoom Meeting information on this page is NOT FOR PUBLIC USE.  Please only use this information if you have a Hearing with Judge StPeter or Judge Maslen.  

If you would like to watch a hearing for someone else please use the Youtube information at the bottom of this page.

For Criminal and/or Traffic Court you will use the below information depending on the day of the week you have Court.

Click the Zoom link and then enter one of the below: https://zoom.us/join

Judge St. Peter's Monday/Thursday Zoom information.  

  • Meeting ID257-165-6564  
  • Password: 5420 
  • If you are appearing by phone call 646-876-9923 then use Judge StPeter's Meeting ID and password.  

Judge Maslen's Wednesday Zoom information.  

  • Meeting ID818-6601-5651  
  • Password: 5470 
  • If you are appearing by phone call 646-876-9923 then use Judge Maslen's Meeting ID and Password 

All Limited hearings will be held via Zoom.  Please use the below Zoom information for those Hearings:  

  • Meeting ID: 865 3080 9578  
  • Passcode: 2023   
  • If you are appearing by phone call 646-876-9923 then use the Limited Hearings Meeting ID and Passcode.

If you are a family member or friend and wish to watch a Court Hearing please click on the appropriate Youtube link below.

  • Judge Lanning's  Youtube click here
  • Judge Smith's Youtube click here
  • Judge St. Peter's and Judge Maslen's Youtube click here
General Information
Phone Numbers
620-221-5470 620-441-4520
Fax: 620-221-1097; 620-442-7213
Emergencies: Dial 911
311 E. 9th Ave.
PO Box 472

8am-12pm; 1pm-4pm