General Information
Phone Numbers
Fax: 620-221-5442
Emergencies: Dial 911
321 East 10th Avenue
2nd Floor

Monday - Friday
8:00am - 5:00pm

Personal Property

Notice for Property Filing requirement changes here.

Personal Property is generally distinguished by the ability to move it without damage to itself or the real property to which it is attached.  Property owners are required to report personal property.  As a courtesy, in January each year, the Appraiser sends a personal property rendition to owners that reported personal property in the previous year.  Corrections, additions, or deletions are made by the property owner and the forms must be returned to the Appraiser's Office on or before March 15 each year. Renditions that are not returned by the deadline begin to accrue late filing penalties at 5% per month, up to 50% for non-filers. Personal Property value notices are mailed on or around May 1 each  year.

At the property owner's request, some portable structures may be listed as real property, which does  not require the taxpayer to submit an annual rendition. These structures are valued with the same method regardless of how they are listed.  

Oil & Gas

Oil and Gas is considered to be Personal Property. The County Appraiser is responsible to value oil and gas properties annually based on the prior year production. Oil and/or Gas renditions are due to the County Appraiser by April 1 each  year.  Royalty owners are also taxed on oil and gas based on the percentage of ownership of the oil/gas lease.  Oil and Gas Valuation notices are mailed on or around May 1 each year. Renditions that are not returned by the deadline begin to accrue late filing penalties of 5% per month, up to 50% for non-filers. 

Oil and Gas Properties are Personal Property – K.S.A. 79-329 

Includes leases and wells producing or capable of producing oil or gas in paying quantities, together with all casing, tubing or other materials therein, and all other equipment and material used in the operating the wells.

Valuation and Assessment of Oil and Gas Properties – K.S.A. 79-330

In valuing for taxation, oil and gas properties consisting of one or more leases and oil and gas wells there shall, in addition to the value of all oil or gas well material in or upon the leasehold properties, be made such valuation of the oil or gas wells as would make a reasonable and fair value of the whole property.

Determination of Value – K.S.A. 79-331

County appraisers are required to determine the value of oil and gas leases and/or properties.

Oil & Gas

Both Oil & Gas renditions and the current Oil and Gas Guide, which includes the KS Crude Oil Price Schedule, may be found at Kansas Department of Property Valuation site.  Current and historical oil and gas data can be found at the Kansas Geological Survey site.

Penalty Schedule for Late Filing of Personal Property Renditions*

March 16 – April 15
5% Personal Property late filing penalty

April 16 – May 15
10% Personal Property late filing penalty

May 16 – June 15
15% Personal Property late filing penalty

June 16 – July 15
20% Personal Property late filing penalty

July 16 – March 14
25% Personal Property late filing penalty

March 15, next year
50% Personal Property penalty for failure to file or for escaped tax.

*Oil and Gas Penalty Schedule moves forward 15 days for each date

Property Tax Calendar