General Information
Christene Fuller
Administrative Assistant
Amanda Wogoman
Susan Slothower-Gober
Phone Numbers
Winfield – 620-221-5404 Arkansas City – 620-441-4504
Fax: 620-402-6341
Emergencies: Dial 911
311 East 9th St

Monday through Friday
8a-12p and 1p-5p

Community Developmental Disability Organization

KDADS Community Services and Programs Commission has released a new Consumer Access Guide to HCBS Services in Kansas. This user-friendly guide is full of helpful information for anyone wanting to learn more about the seven HCBS waivers in Kansas – in plain language. CLICK HERE to view the guide on the KDADS web site.

About the CDDO
The Cowley County Community Developmental Disability Organization Department (Cowley County CDDO Department) was created by county resolution number 2010-06, and operates in accordance with the Developmental Disabilities Reform Act (K.S.A. 39-1801 et seq) and Article 64 of the Kansas Administrative Regulations.

The CDDO Department’s mission is to provide efficient delivery of quality services to the developmentally disabled residents of Cowley County in accord with State Statutes and Kansas Administrative Regulations.

The CDDO Department serves as the single point of entry for anyone needing or inquiring about I/DD services in Cowley County.