General Information
Phone Numbers
620-221-0470 620-221-5447
Emergencies: Dial 911
321 East 10th Avenue

Emergency Communications Advisory Board

The Emergency Communications Advisory Board (ECAB) is made up of representatives of the public safety agencies serving Cowley County and its communities. ECAB meets quarterly to discuss policy and procedures effecting dispatching and emergency communications within Cowley County.

ECAB meetings are open to the public. 

Currently the board consists of the following members:

Doug Allison,  Director, Cowley County Emergency Services

Dave Falletti, Sheriff, Cowley County

Jim Holloway, Chief, Arkansas City Police Department

Robbie Delong, Chief, Winfield Police Department

Erik King, Chief, Udall Police Department (representative of rural law enforcement agencies)

Stuart Cassaboom, Chief (Interim), Arkansas City Fire / EMS Department

Vince Warren, Chief, Winfield Fire / EMS Department

Chris Cannon, Chief, Cowley County Fire District 3 (representative of rural fire districts of Cowley County)