Public Works Superintendent
Phone Numbers
Office: (620) 221-5425
Fax: (620) 221-5496
Emergencies: Dial 911
311 East 9th Avenue, Suite 104

Monday - Friday
8am-12pm, 1pm-5pm

Noxious Weeds


Phone numbers:

Eric Neal work cell: 620-218-6671

Office Number: 620-221-5425

General Notice to Control Noxious Weeds

The Kansas Noxious Weed Law K.S.A. 2-1314 et seq requires all persons who own or supervise land in Kansas to control and eradicate all weeds declared noxious by legislative action. The weeds declared noxious are: field bindweed, musk thistle, johnson grass, bur ragweed, canadian thistle, sericea lespedeza, leafy spurge, hoary cress, quack grass, russian knapweed, kudzu and pignut. Other weed/weeds can become County Option Noxious Weed/Weeds declared obnoxious by the Board of County Commissioners in Cowley County.  Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Kansas Noxious Weed Law to every person who owns or supervises land in Cowley County, that noxious weeds growing or found on such land shall be controlled and eradicated. Control is defined as preventing the production of viable seed and the vegetative spread of the plant.

Failure to observe this notice may result in the County:

1. Serving a legal notice requiring control of the noxious weeds within a minimum of five days. Failure to control the noxious weeds within the time period allowed may result in the County treating the weeds at the owner’s expense and placing a lien on the property if the bill is not paid within 30 days or,

2. Filing criminal charges for non-compliance. Conviction for non-compliance may result in a fine of $100 per day of non-compliance with a maximum fine of $1,500.

The public is also hereby notified that it is a violation of the Kansas Noxious Weed Law to barter, sell or give away infested nursery stock or livestock feed unless the feed is fed on the farm where grown or sold to a commercial processor that will destroy the viability of the noxious weed seed. Custom harvesting machines must be labeled with a label provided by the Kansas Department of Agriculture and must be free of all weed seed and litter when entering the State and when leaving a field infested with noxious weeds. Additional information may be obtained from the Cowley County Noxious Weed Department  or by contacting the Kansas Department of Agriculture, 1320 Research Park Drive, Manhattan, KS 66502 (785-564-6700).

Related Links for Noxious Weeds