
Public Education: USD 470

620-441-2000 –

  • Ranked in the Top 10 in Kansas High Schools by U.S. News and World Report
  • Every student 5th grade and higher receives a laptop or tablet for learning
  • Consistently near the top on statewide assessments
  • High School band received No. 1 rating at state competition
  • Every school in district rebuilt or upgraded after 2008 a voter-approved bond issue

Having lived and attended schools throughout the nation I am happy to say that I am grateful for the education system in Arkansas City! We have choices to meet the individual temperament of our children; ones that also help parents to contribute to the community while at the same time guiding the growth of their child.

– Kerry Schnackenberg

Private Education

Sacred Heart Catholic School — Pre-K through 5th

620-442-6550 –

  • Far exceeds state averages in reading and math assessments
  • Graduates excel at middle and high schools
  • Parental support demonstrated by Arkalalah festival float and annual auction and dinner

Ark City Christian Academy — Pre-K through 12th

620-442-0022 – Facebook Page

Arkansas City Christian Academy (ACCA) lives out its mission of equipping children as Christian leaders by providing its students with a Christ-centered, nurturing and well-rounded education. The small class size allow the instructors to not only give individualized attention to students, but to also have personal relationships with each student as well. This school has been such a blessing to our family and we would encourage others to consider choosing ACCA for their child’s education.

– Kent and Pam Crain

Higher Education: Cowley College

Cowley County Community College logo and TigerContact: (620) 442-0430 –

Each year hundreds of Cowley College students earn their associate’s degree and transfer to colleges and universities across the country. Hundreds more enter the workforce after completing career-ready programs.

Cowley College is a leader in higher education in Kansas since its founding in 1922 and continues to help local employers train workers and provide career-tech instruction for high school students. Recognized as one of the top community colleges in the country for student success, and top athletic programs that lure students from across the country and globe, the college provides a valuable experience at an affordable price.

The main campus, in downtown Arkansas City, is a cultural hub anchored by the Brown Center, which hosts performing and fine arts activities and is the go-to venue for community programs and events. The community and the college enjoy a great relationship demonstrated by an active Tiger Booster Club, as well as student, faculty and administration participation in clubs, festivals and charities.

Front of Brown Center at Cowley CollegeFUN FACTS about Cowley College

  • Over 80 programs of study; 30+ can be completed entirely online
  • Tied for 30 out of 780 community colleges by CNN Money for graduation and transfer rates
  • The No. 12-ranked athletic program in the nation; 2013 national volleyball champions
  • Recognized for outstanding welding, machining and manufacturing technology courses by The Manufacturing Institute
  • Alpha Gamma Upsilon Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa (honor society) received Five Star status for sixth consecutive years

Cowley College was a great choice for me when I decided to further my education. The smaller class size, affordable cost, community feel and nice facilities all made the decision to attend Cowley an easy choice for me that I would recommend to others again and again. It’s places like Cowley College that help make the Ark City community a wonderful place to live, work and raise a family.

— Courtney Every
Marketing Coordinator for Creekstone Farms Premium Beef