General Information
District 1 Commissioner
Wayne Wilt
District 2 Commissioner
Vice Chairman
Jim Maxwell
District 3 Commissioner
Alan Groom
Phone Numbers
Emergencies: Dial 911
311 E. 9th

County Commissioners

Our Mission
Cowley County is dedicated to improving the quality of life for its citizens by providing services to the public in an efficient, responsible, transparent and professional manner, and to providing a work environment where we respect the dignity, and recognize the merit of each individual employee.

About the Board
The Board of Cowley County Commission consists of three elected representatives from the three districts in Cowley County. The Board meets two times a month, the first and third Tuesdays of the month, except in June and July which they meet four times during those two months for Budget Hearings. The first meeting is at 9:00 AM and the second meeting is at 6:00 PM. The Commission agenda is prepared by the County Administrator and Commission minutes are kept by the County Clerk.

Commission Districts
View a map of the Commission Districts of Cowley County.

Commission District 1
Wayne Wilt – Telephone: 620.221.3706

Commission District 1 represents all those residents living in the townships of:  East Creswell, Dexter, Liberty, Otter, Pleasant Valley, Sheridan and Tisdale. Also those residents of Winfield living in precincts: 1 East, 2 Central, 2 South, 2 West, 2 East, 5 East, 6th, 6A, and 7th.

Commission District 2
Jim Maxwell – Telephone: 620.446.1646

Commission District 2 represents all those residents living in the townships of:  Beaver, Bolton, Cedar, Grant, Silverdale, Spring Creek and West Creswell. Also those residents of Arkansas City living in precincts:  2B, 2B-2, 2C, 2D, 3A, 3B, 3C, 4A, 4B, 4C, and 4D.

Commission District 3
Alan Groom – Telephone: 620.222-1379

Commission District 3 represents all those residents living in the townships of:  Fairview, Harvey, Maple, Ninnescah, Omnia, Richland, Rock Creek, Salem, Silver Creek, Vernon, Walnut and Windsor. Also those residents of Arkansas City living in precincts:  1A, 1A-A, 1A-B, 1B, 1C, 1D, 2A and Winfield residents living in precincts:  1 West, 3, 3 South, 4, 5 West, and 8.

Wayne Wilt is the Chairman for the 2025 year.

Jim Maxwell is Vice Chairman for the 2025 year.