Treasurer Quick Links
General Information
Phone Numbers
Emergencies: Dial 911
321 E 10th Ave.

Monday - Friday
8am - 5pm


Treasurer’s Office Location

The Treasurer’s Office is located south of the Courthouse at 321 E 10th Ave.

About the Treasurer's Office

The Cowley County Treasurer’s primary function of collecting real estate, personal property, intangible and motor vehicle taxes, special assessments, and other miscellaneous taxes for Cowley County, cities, townships, school districts, and other taxing jurisdictions. The Treasurer apportions and distributes such revenue to local taxing units. In addition, the Treasurer performs the function of a bank for all revenue-generating County departments.

The County Treasurer is elected to a four year term in the year of a Presidential Election. The term begins in October after the general election.

Maci DeCoudres is the current Cowley County Treasurer.


Most people have three options for renewing their tags. They can visit their county treasurers, renew by mail, or renew online.

The online renewal option is available to 1) anyone whose vehicle is registered in Kansas, 2) whose address on the renewal is current, and 3) who has vehicle insurance as required by law.

The online service requires a personal identification number (PIN), which is printed on the registration renewal notices Kansans receive in the mail

The Cowley County Treasurer’s primary function of collecting real estate, personal property, intangible and motor vehicle taxes, special assessments, and other miscellaneous taxes for Cowley County, cities, townships, school districts, and other taxing jurisdictions. The Treasurer apportions and distributes such revenue to local taxing units. In addition, the Treasurer performs the function of a bank for all revenue-generating County departments.

The County Treasurer is elected to a four year term in the year of a Presidential Election. The term begins in October after the general election.